Training Module 2: Program Attendance
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  3. Training Module 2: Program Attendance

Training Video 2.2: Logging Attendance for Unscheduled Programs

Sometimes activities or engagement opportunities arise beyond what you have scheduled on your calendar. Welbi allows you to capture attendance for these events quickly and easily!

Check out the video below to learn everything you need to know about logging attendance for unscheduled programs or engagement.

If you're just looking for a quick refresher on a particular aspect of attendance taking in Welbi, or an answer to a specific question, we also have a number of brief 'how to' articles available here!


Tip: if you'd like to speed up the video, you can do so by clicking the settings/gear icon

Related Welbi How-To Articles: 

Logging Attendance for Unscheduled Programs

Practice Exercises: 

1. Log a self-directed activity for a resident you observed doing an activity on their own today!