Other Planning Calendar How-tos

Accessing Welbi's Library of Program Ideas

Access Welbi's ever-growing library of Program Ideas whenever you need some inspiration!

It can be hard to continuously come up with fresh and exciting activity ideas for your residents. If you're looking for some inspiration, Welbi's library of Program Ideas can be a great resource! We add new programs every week, so there is always something new to discover.
To access the Program Ideas library from within your Planning Calendar, click on the light bulb button shown below.
Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 7.48.41 AM

Use the filter buttons for "Program Mode" and "Dimension of Wellness" to narrow down the library based on what kind of activity you're looking to run. You can also use the search bar to search the library.Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 1.40.07 PM

Click on a program name to see a description of the program along with relevant resources such as images, links, and videos.