Program Library How-tos
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  2. Program Library How-tos

Searching, Filtering, and Sorting Your Library of Program Guides

Easily search, filter, and sort your program guides in in your Program Library to see all the different programs you're running in your community.

Your Program Library is where all of your program guides in Welbi live. In this section there are a few different ways you can view your lists of programs. 

To access your program guides:

  • Click Library in the navigation bar on the left-hand side of your screen 

    Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 7.27.16 AM

To search through your program guides, click on the magnifying glass and enter the program title you're looking for.
Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 11.04.01 AM

You can filter your list of program guides based on their program type or dimension of wellness. You can have multiple filters set at one time (for example: Group programs + Social dimension).

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 11.10.45 AM

Finally, you can sort your list of program guides based on the different columns you see in your Library.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 11.32.08 AM

If you'd like to add/remove columns, just click on the square button with the three dots and select/unselect the appropriate columns.

Screenshot 2023-11-15 at 12.06.17 PM

To create new programs follow the steps in this article. 

To edit, or delete programs follow the steps in this article.