Employee & User Account Management
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Updating a User's Role

Users with the "Welbi Admin" role have the ability to adjust other users' roles as needed.

Users with the "Welbi Admin" role can adjust other users' roles by following these steps: 

  1. Navigate to the Settings section from the navigation bar on the left-hand side of your screen
  2. Select Employees from the menu and click on the name of the user whose role you wish to adjust
  3. Click Edit in the top right corner of the Personal Info panel
  4. Update the Role drop-down menu as desired, then click Save. For more information on what each of the Roles can do, check out this article.

Note: User roles are assigned on a per community basis.  For example, if a user has access to five different communities on Welbi, updating their role from the Employee list of one of these communities will only impact their access level for that specific community. Their role will remain unchanged on the other four communities they have access to.