Printing Calendar How-tos
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  2. Printing Calendar How-tos

Creating a New Print Calendar

Use Welbi's Print Calendar Designer to prepare beautiful and easy-to-read calendars for your residents.

Welbi's Print Calendar Designer pulls all of your planning work into a print template. From here, you can customize the calendar in terms of content (i.e., which programs are shown) and style (e.g., colors, images, additional text, spacing, formatting, etc.). 

To create a new Print Calendar:

  1. Navigate to the Calendar section of Welbi and click on the printer icon in the top right corner of your screen 

  2. Select the calendar type you wish to create
    1. New Daily Calendar - to print a daily schedule, where each day is its own sheet/poster
    2. New Weekly Calendar - to print a schedule for one week 
    3. New Monthly Calendar - to print a full month's calendar

This will create a brand new Print Calendar (i.e., you will be starting from scratch in terms of customizing the content and style). If you've already started working on a Print Calendar in Welbi and want to pick up where you left off, see this article on how to access your saved Print Calendars.