Deleting Calendars

Deleting a Print Calendar

If you create a duplicate Print Calendar by mistake or simply want to clean up your Print Calendar history in Welbi, you can easily delete Print Calendars as needed.

To delete a saved Print Calendar: 

  1. Navigate to the Calendar section of Welbi and click the printer button in the top right corner of the screen
  2. In the pop-up that appears, locate the saved calendar you wish to delete and single-click it to select it
  3. Once selected, click the red "Delete" button in the bottom right corner of the window
  4. In the warning pop up that appears, confirm that you are sure you want to delete your Print Calendar. Deleted Print Calendars cannot be restored, so only click "Yes" if you are sure you won't need to access it in Welbi in the future.

Your calendar is now deleted and you will no longer see it in your Print Calendar History.