Capturing Whether Residents Wish to Celebrate Their Birthdays

Some residents may not wish to have their birthday celebrated, and tracking this in Welbi makes it easy to ensure these wishes are respected.

Not every resident wants to have their birthday celebrated or have it appear on any posters or calendars. It's important that these wishes are respected to ensure every resident feels comfortable.
To help your team keep track of this information, each Resident Profile contains the following question:
    • If 'Yes' is selected for a resident:
      • Their name will automatically be included in Birthday Posters generated through Welbi
      • Their name and age (e.g., 85th Birthday) will appear in the Upcoming Celebrations section of the Overview Page
    • If 'No' is selected for a resident:
      • Their name will automatically be left off Birthday Posters generated through Welbi
      • Their name and age will still appear in the Upcoming Celebrations section of your Overview Page, but will appear 'greyed out' with a crossed out birthday cake icon (as shown below)
To update or view this Profile question for a particular resident:
  1. Select the resident from your Residents list in Welbi
  2. Click into their "Profile" tab
  3. Scroll down to the "Do they wish to celebrate their birthday?" question (it should appear right after their Birthday in their Profile).