If you wish, you can change your settings so that notes sent from Welbi appear in the 'Progress Notes' tab in PointClickCare instead of the 'Practitioner Notes' tab.
By default, when Welbi pushes a progress note through to PointClickCare, these appear in the Practitioner Notes section of the resident's record.
If you'd prefer to have these appear alongside other progress notes in the Progress Note section instead, you'll need to create a Progress Note Template and Progress Note Type by following the steps below.
Before proceeding, please note that PointClickCare does not allow addenda to be posted to the 'Progress Notes' tab through the integration (i.e., progress notes sent to PointClickCare would not get updated if any corrections/modifications are made to the original note in Welbi).
1. In PointClickCare, navigate to your facility's Clinical Setup, and open the Progress Notes Templates page
2. Create a new Template. In the Description field, enter "Welbi-note" and click Save & Next
3. Click the New button to create a new Section. In the Description field, enter "Note Type". In the Sequence field, enter "1". Click Save & New.
4. This will open another New Section window. In the Description field, enter "Details". In the Sequence field, enter "2". Click Save, and close the "Sections for Welbi-note template" window.
You should see the following entry in your Progress Note Template table:
5. Go back to the Clinical Setup page, and open the "Progress Notes Types" page.
6. Create a new progress note type. In the Description field, enter "Welbi-note". In the Template field, select "Welbi-note".
Note: If you have multiple facilities in PCC, you must assign this new program type to all facilities.
Once you're done with the above steps, you should see the following entry in the Progress Note Types table:
Once complete, please contact support@welbi.co and let us know so we can finish up the configuraiton on our end.