Program Insights Related to Time of Day

Welbi automatically categorizes programs into morning, afternoon, or evening programs based on start times.

The "Programs" section of your Insights page contains a number of insights related to the time of day that programs are run (morning, afternoon, or evening). These insights can help you understand how many programs you're running during each time of day, as well as how many residents are attending each type of program.

Welbi categorizes programs as morning, afternoon, or evening programs based on start time.

  • Morning programs are those that start between 12:00AM and 11:59AM
  • Afternoon programs are those that start between 12:00PM and 4:59PM
  • Evening programs are those that start between 5:00PM and 11:59PM
Here are some of the Insights you can reference related to time of day:
  • The "Average Number of Programs by Time of Day" insight shows you how many morning, afternoon, and evening programs you offer per day, on average, during the chosen timeframe.
  • The "Total Attendance by Time of Day" shows you the total number of attendances you logged for morning, afternoon, and evening programs (e.g., 1400 attendances across all of your afternoon programs, etc.)