Creating Programs & Announcements on your Planning Calendar
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  2. Planning Calendar How-tos
  3. Creating Programs & Announcements on your Planning Calendar

Scheduling a Group Program

Learn how to schedule a group program on your planning calendar.

To schedule a Group Program on your calendar, start with one of the following:
  • Click into a specific day on your calendar. This will open a "New Program" pop-up window populated with your chosen date.
  • Click on the + sign on the top left of your calendar. This will open a "New Program" pop-up window populated with today's date.
In the "New Program" pop-up window:
  • Select "Group" from the program type menu along the top of the window to specify that this will be a Group Program.
  • Fill out all of the information for your Group Program:
    • Title (i.e., what you'd like the program to be called on your calendar)
    • Date 
    • Start & End Times
    • Location (i.e., where the program is happening)
    • Recurrence (i.e., how often the program repeats/occurs)
    • Level of Care or Home Area (i.e., which residents the program is for)
    • Calendar (most clients have a single calendar for their recreation team, while some opt to maintain a secondary calendar for internal or staff events)
    • Dimension(s) of Wellness (depending on your company settings, you may be able to select more than one)
    • Facilitator(s) (i.e., the individual(s) who will be running the program)
    • Hobbies (i.e., hobbies or interests that relate to the program)
    • Tags, if applicable (the 'Tags' available to you are custom to your company, and allow you to further categorize your programs for reporting and calendar formatting)
    • Notes, if applicable (these notes are internal and not shown on printed calendars)
  • If you'd like to get an idea of which residents are most likely to attend the program, you can click "Load Residents" in the "Residents Likely to Attend" section of the pop-up. Welbi will analyze all of your attendance and assessment data to identify residents who are likely to attend based on their past participation and hobbies/interests.
  • Once you're finished entering your program information, click the "Create" button.
You should now see the program in your calendar. If you set a recurrence when creating the program, you should see this program repeated in your calendar on an ongoing basis based on the recurrence you selected (e.g., daily, weekly, every 2 weeks, etc.)