Completing Resident Assessments

You can work on a resident's assessment from the Overview or from the resident's Assessments page.

The "Outstanding Assessments & Profiles" panel of the Overview section helps your team stay on top of any resident assessments that need attention.
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You can click View All at the bottom of this panel to view a list of the specific residents who have assessments requiring action. Click Start (or Continue) for a resident to go directly to their assessment.

Alternatively, if you're already viewing a resident in Welbi, you can Start or Continue an assessment from the Assessments page.


To complete a resident assessment:

  • Ensure that all questions are answered and confirmed. Any questions marked as "Optional" can be confirmed without entering a response first. As you answer and confirm questions within an assessment section, your progress will be reflected in the progress bar along the bottom of the section.
  • Depending on your company's settings, you may have an area to document any notes or goals relevant to the assessment section which appears on the right-hand side of the screen (e.g., "Barriers & Opportunities" in the screenshot below).
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    Once the assessment is published, these notes will appear under the resident's Summary tab for easy reference:

When all necessary information as been entered, you'll be able to click the Publish button 

in the bottom right corner of the screen.