Family Portal

What is shown in the Family Portal?

The Family Portal allows family members to view their loved one's program calendar, participation information, and a Community Directory of staff contacts.

The Family Portal has three main sections where information from Welbi is displayed to users: 


The Programs tab of the Family Portal allows users to see all scheduled programs (group, 1-on-1, and self-directed if applicable) for their loved one’s level of care or home area, including the program’s title, date, start and end time, and facilitators.

The following do not appear in the Programs tab of the Family Portal:

  • Announcements 
  • Unscheduled programs (i.e., created on the Attendance page) 
  • Canceled programs

Users can select any date in the current month to view a list of scheduled programs for that day.  

During the last week of a month, Family Portal users will be able to see scheduled programs for the first week of the following month (e.g., during the last week of Sept 2024, they'll be able to see what's planned for the first week of Oct 2024). A month’s full calendar only becomes available once the month has officially started (e.g., Oct 1st 2024).


The Participation tab of the Family Portal allows users to see a list of the programs their loved one has attended, including the program’s title, date, start and end time, facilitators, and their loved one's engagement level. They can also see the name of the Welbi user who entered the attendance information into Welbi.

Attendance notes that your team enters in Welbi will not appear in the Family Portal.

Community Directory

The Community Directory displays contact information (phone numbers, email addresses, or both) of staff members of your choosing. Check out this article for instructions on how to populate your Community Directory.