Program Library How-tos
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Creating Program Guides in Welbi

Easily create and update your program guides in Welbi to ensure consistency in how your programs are run and get recommendations on residents likely to attend your programs!

To create a new program guide in Welbi you're going to: 

  • Click Library in the navigation bar on the left-hand side of your screen 

    Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 7.27.16 AM
  • Click New Program +
  • In the Program Details section, enter any information that you would like to see auto-fill each time you add this program to your calendar (or log it as an unscheduled program). We recommend only filling out information that remains the same every time you run the program. For example, if you always run the program in your 'Activity Room', but the person who runs the program varies each time, we would suggest filling out the Location field but leaving the Facilitator field empty. 
    • Program Type
    • Title (i.e., what you'd like the program to be called on your calendar)
    • Duration (i.e., how long your program is)
    • Level of Care or Home Area (i.e., which residents the program is for)
    • Dimension(s) of Wellness (depending on your company settings, you may be able to select more than one)
    • Facilitator(s) (i.e., the individual(s) who will be running the program)
    • Calendar (most clients have a single calendar for their recreation team, while some opt to maintain a secondary calendar for internal or staff events)
    • Tags, if applicable (the 'Tags' available to you are custom to your company, and allow you to further categorize your programs for reporting and calendar formatting)
    • Location (i.e., where the program is happening)
    • Hobbies (i.e., hobbies or interests that relate to the program)
    • Notes, if applicable (these notes are internal and not shown on printed calendars)
  • In the Program Plan section, you can enter reference information to help empower your team to facilitate the program with confidence. These fields are not mandatory, but can be an extremely helpful resource for your team (especially newer members) and help ensure consistency in program delivery. 
    • Program Description
    • Goals
    • Procedure
    • Staffing Requirements
    • Supplies/Resources
    • Risks
    • Expected Outcomes
  • You also have the ability to add custom fields if there is more information you want to capture. 

  • Once you have filled out all the necessary fields, click the blue 'Create' button in the bottom right.