Taking Resident Attendance

Logging Attendance for Unscheduled Programs

Log attendance for any unscheduled group, 1-on-1, or self-directed activities without adding them to your planning calendar.

To log attendance for an unscheduled program, navigate to the Attendance section and click the  button near the top of the page.

On the following screen, select the program type (Group, 1-on-1, or Self-Directed) you wish to document using the segmented button shown below. Populate program details (program name, location, facilitator, etc.) as normal. 

NoteWhen logging unscheduled 1-on-1 and self-directed programs, you'll notice the option to enter a default start time and duration for the program. This is the start time and duration that will appear by default as you log resident engagement.

These default values can be adjusted per resident as you log resident attendance.


Note:  Any unscheduled programs documented through the above method will not appear on your planning calendar. If you're looking to schedule a group, 1-on-1 or self-directed activity on your planning calendar, click the corresponding links