Adding & Removing Residents

Deactivating a Resident

If a resident moves out or passes away, you can deactivate them in Welbi to remove them from your current resident list while maintaining important information.

If you have a resident who has moved out or passed away, you can deactivate them to remove them from your current resident list while maintaining all data entered for the resident so that it is available for future reference if needed. 

Note: If your Welbi site is integrated with your EHR, such as PointClickCare or MED e-care, residents will automatically be deactivated in Welbi when they are discharged or deactivated in your EHR.

To deactivate a resident in Welbi:

  1. Select the resident you wish to deactivate from your resident list and navigate to their Profile tab
  2. Click the "Deactivate Resident" button in the bottom right corner of the screen
  3. Select the reason for deactivation, enter notes as relevant, and click "Deactivate" to complete the deactivation


Once deactivated, the resident will appear in your "Deactivated residents" list, located towards the bottom of the "Residents" page.

You can click on any of the residents in the "Deactivated residents" list to view all past  information and data, and reactivate them as needed.