Training Module 6: Personalizing your Resident's Experience
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  3. Training Module 6: Personalizing your Resident's Experience

Training Video 6.2: Resident Profile & Assessment Insights

Quickly learn about the demographic makeup, barriers, and interests and preferences of the residents in your community.

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Related Welbi How-To Articles: 

Assessment Insights
Resident Profile Insights
Filtering Profile and Assessment Insights by Level of Care or Home Area
How to Download or Print your Insights

Practice Exercises: 

1. Click into your Assessment Insights and review the following: 
- Your resident's top five hobbies and interests 
- Your resident's activity time preferences

Does the information surprise you? Should you make any changes to your programs/schedules based on this information? 

2. Click into your Resident Profile Insights and review the following: 
- The top religious affiliations your residents have 
- How many veterans you have in your community
- What languages do many of your residents speak? 
- Where are some of your resident's from? 

Consider how you can use this information to foster connections between residents or plan upcoming programs on your calendar!