Welbi Masterclass

Welbi Masterclass: Change Management as you Digitize Recreation

In this Masterclass, we've curated valuable insights and practical tips to help Operations and Recreation Leads work with their teams to navigate the change of using Welbi.

Why Digitial Transformation Matters

Elevated Resident Experiences & Enhanced Engagement:  

  • Provide a person-centered approach and empower your staff to provide tailored experiences to residents.
  • Accurate documentation gives teams a more detailed understanding of trends, preferences, and participation levels, enabling you to tailor programs to better meet residents' interests and needs and avoid social isolation.

Accuracy, Efficiency and Time Savings:  

  • Digitizing information provides a valuable reference point for new staff, helping them familiarize themselves with programs and residents, promoting consistency and continuity in service delivery.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

  • Real-time data analytics gives your team insights into resident preferences, attendance and trends, allowing for informed decision-making and continuous improvement of program offerings and resident experiences. 
  • They also allow for quicker reporting to senior leadership, families or head office, because the data is at your fingertips

Roadmap to Success

1)  Find your Leader 

  • In our experience, you need to have a leader in your community who is driving the use of Welbi. This person should be knowledgeable on Welbi to help support their team, while also being comfortable with holding teams accountable. 
    • Tip: Make sure your Leader has a “Welbi Admin” role on your community’s platform
  • If you’re a bigger company, you may have Operational Leaders that are driving the use of Welbi as well. However, it is important to have that community-level lead tool :)
  • Identify your expectations with the use of Welbi: what teams should be accomplishing and when, any goals or reporting requirements you need to have and any workflows you expect internally when it comes to documentation, calendar planning etc. 
    • Make sure these are communicated to your teams, so they are aware!

2) Support with Change Management

Moving from paper and pen to digital or from one platform to another can feel uncertain or uncomfortable, making some team members hesitant about embracing new ways of working. Here are some considerations that may help incorporate Welbi and manage the learning process:

  • Start Small: Begin by dedicating short, focused periods of time for you and your team to get up and running with Welbi. Recognize the value of investing time in learning Welbi, and make it a consistent part of your daily routine to gradually build your knowledge and confidence over time.
  • Seek Support from Colleagues: Lean on your colleagues! Share tips, best practices, and insights with one another, and collaborate on problem-solving. 
  • Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress!
  • Task Delegation & Teamwork: Where possible, divide the work among team members.
    •  For example, assign a list of residents to each team member, or have team members work on specific floors or home areas. Schedule regular team check-ins to discuss progress, address any challenges, and provide support to one another.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps helps to prevent overwhelm and maintain momentum, and allows you to effectively track completion.
    • For example, establish realistic timelines and goals for completing resident profiles or assessments (we recommend setting a weekly target for each team member), and track progress towards these goals at the beginning and end of each week.
  • Utilize External Resources: If possible, explore opportunities to leverage resources such as volunteers or students working at your site to assist with data entry tasks where appropriate. Check in with other departments to see if there are staff members with capacity to assist as well (e.g., reception). 

3) Everyone should feel confident and comfortable on Welbi!

  • Ensure all of your staff feels comfortable and confident using the platform! If they aren’t, here are a couple options for them: 
  • Where applicable, consider setting up internal team meetings to provide ongoing support related to Welbi or any internal expectations/guidelines 
  • Make sure teams have the tools they need to be successful. Some examples include: 
    • Access to Ipads/Tablets for Attendance and Resident Assessments (avoid double documenting on paper, then transferring into Welbi when possible)
    • Appropriate amount of time to document information and meet goals (ex: completing resident assessments within 90 days)
    • The correct role/level of access on Welbi

4) It’s Always Good to Have a Plan

Whether you’ve just started with Welbi or you’ve been with us for years, you can always develop a success plan outlining goals, timelines, and KPIs for your residents, your team and your community. Here are some examples:

  • 30/60/90 day plans to complete those outstanding resident profiles and assessments (this data can be so valuable! But left empty, you and your team are missing out!) Here’s a tool we can send to help!

  • Create a process where you meet with your team monthly to review your Insights to assess your scheduled programs, take a look at the makeup of residents in your community, and adjust and tailor accordingly. (If you’re a community that uses goals, this is a great opportunity to take a look at these too!)

5) Scale & Optimize

  • Monitor progress towards the goals, timelines, and key performance indicators outlined in your success plan or any other plans you created
  • Encourage staff to take advantage of Welbi’s online knowledge base and monthly Masterclasses to continuously expand and deepen their knowledge.
  • Establish a feedback loop with your teams to ensure any pain points or adoption barriers are regularly addressed (e.g., monthly or quarterly)
  • Consider extending access to other departments who could benefit from the information and tools available in Welbi (e.g., sales and marketing, clinical, etc)
  • Work with your Welbi Customer Success Manager to establish additional key performance indicators and workflows to support oversight at the organizational level.

Pro tips from customers who have achieved transformative results with Welbi

1) Communication is Key

  • When discussing change, digitizing information and Welbi with your teams, focus on the “why” and the WIIFM (“What’s In It For Me?”); Identify pain points or workflow issues and help them understand how tools like Welbi will help them/provide the right supports and resources for them to succeed!
  • Change can be hard for some, so as your organization progresses with Welbi, remember to celebrate your wins! Collect and share success stories from teams who have embraced the change and seen a positive impact.

2) Change Needs a Champion

  • Like we said earlier, the organizations who have seen the most success and benefit from Welbi are those who have appointed a dedicated Welbi champion or leader. This individual serves as the team’s main point of contact internally, ensures all team members understand the organization’s vision for resident engagement, enforces consistency in process and practice where needed, and provides a framework for continuous feedback and education.

3) Knowledge is Power

  • Finding time to learn something new can be overwhelming, especially when you’re already managing a busy workload. Fostering a culture that prioritizes learning and encouraging staff to take full advantage of all educational opportunities and resources (e.g., training sessions during onboarding, monthly masterclasses, self-serve content on Welbi’s knowledge base, etc) will go a long way in setting your team up for success!
  • As you identify users who are particularly comfortable and confident, consider establishing internal Welbi ‘super users’ who can provide additional peer-to-peer support. Welbi’s Support Team is always here to help, but there’s nothing like learning from your peers!