Self-Guided Training - Start Here!
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Self-Guided Welbi Training Week

Follow this training guide to get fully ramped up on Welbi in just five days!

Welcome to Welbi! πŸ‘‹

We've put together this self-guided training plan to help you get fully up to speed on all of Welbi's features, in just one week. For each 'day' of training outlined below, you'll find: 

  • The estimated time commitment, so you can schedule these training sessions into your day (pro tip: you can watch videos at 1.5x or 2x speed to reduce the time commitment!)
  • The intended audience for each session , so you can skip over the ones not relevant to your role and responsibilities.
  • A brief summary of the information to be covered, along with in-depth videos and articles covering the material 
  • Hands-on exercises that you can perform in your Welbi site
If you haven't already, here are a few tips and housekeeping items we recommend taking care of before you get started to set yourself up for success:
  • πŸ–₯️ If you aren't already using Google Chrome as your default browser, we recommend getting set up with it as Welbi is optimized for Chrome. You can download Google Chrome here, and set it up as your default internet browser by following these steps. 
  • πŸ”– Bookmark the Welbi log in page relevant to you (Welbi Canada or Welbi US), as well as the Welbi Knowledge Base, so you can access both quickly and easily in Google Chrome.  You can add bookmarks to Google Chrome by following these steps.
  • πŸ‘€ After logging in for the first time, confirm that the information in your Welbi user profile is accurate and update as needed.
  • πŸ“† Prioritize learning by scheduling daily sessions into your calendar. If you can't swing some of daily time commitments described below, no problem! This five day plan is just a suggestion - you can adjust it as needed (e.g., by scheduling shorter sessions over more days).

Finally, please note that depending on your user role in Welbi,  you may not have access to some of the areas of Welbi described below. We recommend checking in with your manager to confirm your user role before diving in! 

Day 1: Program Planning πŸ—“οΈ

Time Commitment: ~1 hour

Audience:  This training is relevant to people who are involved in planning  programs and building their community's calendars.

Only users with the Welbi Admin or Team Member - Enhanced role are able to create and update programs and calendars in Welbi. 

Topic 1: Introduction

Welcome to Welbi! In the introductory video below, you'll get a high-level overview of our platform's features and functionalities. Get ready to discover how Welbi can streamline your workflows and enhance your resident experience. Let's dive in!

Topic 2: Program Planning

 In the training videos below, you'll learn essential skills for optimizing your experience with Welbi's planning calendar. From creating program guides to efficiently adding programs and exploring views and filters, you'll master the tools to make your scheduling seamless.

* Not all Welbi customers have the Program Library feature enabled. Communities with this feature enabled will see a 'Library' option in their Navigation Bar. 

Hands on exercises

  • Review your community's Overview page and familiarize yourself with the information in the various sections. If you have overdue or upcoming assessments, try setting aside some time in the upcoming week to complete time.  
  • If your community has the Program Library feature enabled, create a Program Guide for a program you'd like to run in the future. Remember that any information you enter during creation will be auto-populated when you add the program to your calendar, or take attendance for it as an unscheduled program.
  •  Add an upcoming program to your planning calendar. If it's a recurring program, don't forget to set a recurrence!

Day 2:  Attendanceβœ…

Time Commitment: ~1 hour

Audience:  This training is relevant to people who are involved in logging attendance for group, 1-on-1, or self-directed programs. 

All roles with the exception of View Only are able to document attendance in Welbi.

Welcome to Day 2! Today is all about becoming a pro at logging attendance in Welbi. From how to log program attendance, to how to leverage this data to proactively identify residents needing engagement or run a contact tracing report, the videos and articles below will help you understand the value of taking attendance for all of your programs, and how to do so efficiently. Let's get started on mastering attendance in Welbi!

Hands on exercises

  • From the Attendance page, click into a program you'll be logging attendance for today and use the tips outlined in the Tips for Speeding Up your Attendance Documentation article linked above to set up your view for max efficiency (e.g., which columns you'd like showing, how you'd like them sorted etc). Take attendance for the program.
  • Log an unscheduled 1-on-1 for a resident you engaged with today, or an unscheduled self-directed program for a resident you observed doing an activity on their own, if relevant.
  • Run a practice contact tracing report for any resident and time period, and review the results so you've got the hang of it in case you ever need to run a real one (fingers crossed you don't!).

Day 3:  Preparing Calendars for Print πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ¨

Time Commitment: ~1.5 hrs

Audience:  This training is relevant to people who are involved in designing calendars for printing.

Only users with the Welbi Admin or Team Member - Enhanced role are able to create and update calendars in Welbi's Print Calendar Designer.  

Welcome to Day 3! In Day 1, we covered how to plan out your program calendar in Welbi. Today, we'll be covering how you can quickly and easily turn that planning work into beautiful monthly, weekly, or daily calendars for your community. These calendars can be printed and displayed around your community, or shared digitally in PDF format.  

The videos below will walk you through how to choose which programs will appear on each of your printed calendars, customize your calendars' look and feel, and edit or make copies of your saved calendars. By the end of this session, you'll be equipped with all the knowledge you need to produce professional-looking calendars to suit your residents' and community's needs. Let's get printing!

Hands on exercises

Day 4:  Residents ❀️

Time Commitment: ~1.5 hours

Audience:  This training is relevant to people who are involved in entering and maintaining resident information (e.g., resident profiles and assessments). 

Users with the Volunteer role do not have access to the Residents section in Welbi. 

You made it to Day 4! In today's videos, you'll delve into the Residents section of Welbi. From adding and viewing residents to exploring their profiles, assessments, and engagement insights, you'll gain valuable insights into enhancing your resident experience. You'll also discover how to create resident posters, monthly birthday posters, and customize resident lists with ease. 

* If your community has integrated Welbi with your EHR (e.g., PointClickCare, Med e-Care, Yardi EHR), Residents will be automatically added to your resident list when they move in.

Hands on exercises

  • Find a resident who has an incomplete profile and see if there is a question or two you can complete. You can see a list of all incomplete profiles on the Overview page.
  • Find a resident with an upcoming or overdue assessment, and schedule a time to complete it (or go visit the resident and complete it now!). You can see a list of upcoming and overdue assessments on the Overview page.
  • Find a resident with a completed assessment, and review the information therein. Pay special attention to any information regarding their hobbies and interests, activity time preferences, special participation considerations or accommodations needed, and anything else that might help you best engage with this resident.  Tip: an easy way to identify residents with a published assessment is by adding the 'Last Recreation Assessment' column to your resident list.
  • Generate an Engagement Insight report for a resident of your choosing (perhaps one for whom you have an upcoming family or care conference!) 
  • Create a Resident Poster for one of your residents. Practice showing/hiding specific profile questions on the poster, so you know how to do this if ever there is information a resident would like you to leave off the poster (step 3 in this article).
  • Create a Birthday Poster for next month, for each of your levels of care or home areas. Practice adjusting the size of font, and adding text and images.
  • Choose a resident that is newer to your community and use the Filter Residents tool to find other residents with similar interests or backgrounds that you could introduce them to. For example, try filtering on things like hobbies, languages, hometowns, etc. 

Day 5:  Insights πŸ“Š

Time Commitment: ~30 min

Audience:  This training is relevant to people who are interested in community-level insights related to programming, as well as aggregated resident profile and assessment information.

Users with the Volunteer role do not have access to the Insights section in Welbi. 

Congratulations and welcome to our final day of training! In today's videos, you'll learn all about the valuable insights you can access in Welbi. Explore program insights to optimize your program planning, delve into resident profile and assessment insights to learn more about the residents in your community, and conclude your training with a short wrap-up video.

Hands on exercises

  • Review the following Program Insights and see if there are any learnings you can glean from the data:
  • Review your Profile and Assessment Insights to identify trends and glean valuable insights about your resident population:
    • The most popular resident hobbies and interests at your community (could you offer more programs related to these?)
    • Your residents' preferred activity time preferences (are these preferences represented in your program scheduling?)
    • The most common religious affiliations at your community (are there virtual services you could offer, or religious leaders you could bring in?)
    • How many veterans you have in your community (plan something special for these folks  on Remembrance or Veterans' day!)
    • The different languages your residents speak (are there introductions you could make to provide residents with opportunities to converse in their native language?)
    • Where your residents were born/lived (are there connections you can make?)
  • Review Welbi's Program Ideas page to see if there's a program you could add to your calendar for the upcoming month to switch things up! 

Have Questions or Need More Help? 

If ever you need help, simply submit a support request and our world-class Welbi Support Team will be in touch shortly! This is another great webpage to bookmark for easy access. πŸ’‘

Want to Take it to the Next Level? πŸ’«

Once you've got the basics down, check out our Welbi Masterclasses to learn how to take your Welbi practices up a notch and get the absolute most out of the platform.  In each Masterclass, we hone in on a specific topic (e.g., fostering connections within your community, nailing move-in day for new residents, tailoring your program offerings to your residents, etc) and highlight all the ways you can use Welbi in these areas.