Welbi Masterclass: Leveraging Posters in Welbi

This Masterclass is all about the different types of posters you can create in Welbi, and how to use them within your community.

Posters in Welbi

In this Masterclass, we talk about the three kinds of posters you can create in Welbi, tips and tricks related to each, and some examples of how to use them creatively in your community.

📆 Daily Calendars display a list of the day’s programs on a single page. You can batch print these posters for a range of dates, or hone in on a specific day. They're great for: 

    • Posting in elevators or hallways to give residents a quick view of what's happening today
    • Keeping a stack at reception for resident's and visitors to take away as a daily schedule
    • Creating posters for a special event, celebration, theme day, etc! If you are inviting family members to join, you could even use the poster as an invitation (printed or emailed as a PDF)

🎂 Birthday Posters display the list of resident's celebrating their birthday in a chosen month. If you have specified in a resident’s Welbi Profile that they they do not wish to celebrate their birthday, they are automatically left off of the poster. They're great for:

    • Posting in elevators or hallways to let residents know about the month's birthday celebrations
    • Posting in a staff room so that all team members can reference and participate in acknowledging residents on their special day
    • Using as a reference when planning your monthly calendar (e.g., to inform scheduling of birthday parties, as a reference for including text boxes on specific days of your calendar to wish someone a happy birthday, etc)

💙 Resident Posters display a set of Profile questions to provide a quick overview of the individual’s background and life story. You can customize the information displayed on the poster for each resident based on their preference and what they wish to share. They're great for:

    • Posting outside of residents' suites to help staff and other residents get to know those living in the community, and inspire connection and conversation based on points of interest
    • In care settings, posting at a resident's bedside as a quick reference for staff so that they can provide care in a more person-centered way
    • Posting in a staff room so that all team members can reference and participate in acknowledging residents on their special day
    • We also have customers who use this feature to make 'get to know me' posters for their staff! 

Check out the recording below!

The video below is a recording of a live Welbi Masterclass that took place on June 13th, 2024

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