Welbi Masterclass: Understanding the Importance of Capturing a Resident's Hobbies & Interests in Welbi

This masterclass reviews how documenting residents hobbies and interests in Welbi can be a game changer when it comes to tailoring your program offerings, personalizing the resident experience, and fostering connections.


How to use Welbi’s Recommendation Engine: 

Hobbies & Interest Field in Welbi 

  • Depending on your organization, this question exists in a Resident Profile & Assessment. You can add past and present hobbies and interests, as well as anything the resident wishes to try.

Recommendation Engine in Welbi’s Planning Calendar 

  • Attendance data and Resident Hobbies and Interests feeds Welbi’s Recommendation Engine 
  • When you click into a program and click ‘Load Audience’, it will show you residents who are likely to come to a program with the badges: Very likely, Likely, Somewhat Likely
  • Can be a helpful side kick to gauge interest in a new program, a list of people to engage, invite a resident who hasn’t attended, but may be interested; supports new staff who may not have institutional knowledge of residents

Recommendation Engine in Attendance Page 

  • You can add “Likelihood to Attend” as a column in your attendance page and then sort your attendance by this. 
    • Sort resident list to see who might want to come to a program 
    • Sort resident list to have regulars come to the top to make attendance taking quicker
  • Can be helpful for new staff, students volunteers for engagement/portering, etc.

Identifying Trends in Resident Hobbies & Interests: 

Fostering Resident Connections Based on Shared Interests: 

  • You can  use resident hobbies and interests to foster connections between your residents. Using the Resident Filter and the ‘View All’ option in your Insights to see who shares similar backgrounds/interests to cultivate small group programs, introductions, one-on-ones between residents, self-directed activity.
    • Consider this workflow as part of when a new resident moves in or for residents who prefer smaller group programs.

Delivering Meaningful One-on-Ones: 

  • You can use resident hobbies and interests to learn more about each individual resident and help deliver a more unique, meaningful one-on-one with them. By reviewing their most recent assessment or profile where their hobbies and interests are listed, you can use this information to deliver a 1:1 visit in the future that touches on some of the hobbies and interests they’ve expressed.
    • Example: If they like Airplanes, could you bring in a model airplane to build together while you chat?