Training Module 5: Residents

Training Video 5.3: Resident Assessments

A resident's Assessment page shows a list of all assessments assigned to that resident. From this page, you can start new assessments or view existing ones.

Tip: if you'd like to speed up the video, you can do so by clicking the settings/gear icon

Related Welbi How-To Articles: 

Completing Resident Assessments
What to Do if You're Unable to Click Publish on an Assessment
Viewing a Resident's Assessment History
Revising a Published Resident Assessment
Print or Download a Published Resident Assessment
Staying on top of Incomplete Profiles and Assessments

Practice Exercises:

1. Find a resident who has an overdue assessment (hint: easiest way is to go to your Overview Page) and complete it. 

2. When you're done, download and print this completed assessment.