Welbi Masterclass

Welbi Masterclass: Personalizing the Resident Experience from Day 1

This masterclass is for recreation staff who support a new resident as they move in, as well as staff who want to learn more about how to personalize your resident's experiences in your community using Welbi.

Why it matters: 

Great First Impression

Residents and their loved ones will feel welcomed and at ease within the community.

Sense of Belonging

A great welcoming can help residents feel a sense of belonging in a new place.

Emotional Well-being

Starting strong social interactions right at the start contribute to feelings of happiness, fulfillment, and connection

Early Positive Experiences 

Residents may be more inclined to get involved in a community’s activities when their experience is positive and inclusive from the very beginning.

Preparing for a Resident’s Move-In: 

  • Collect any information you have about the resident in advance from your Nursing/Intake/Sales & Marketing Teams and enter it into the Resident’s Profile on Welbi. 

  • Create a resident poster to put on the door of their room for when they arrive

  • Print out a calendar for the week or month (you can even attach a more personalized printed calendar if you know any of the resident’s interests)

  • Use the resident filter to see if there are any current residents that might be worth introducing your new resident to, based on shared commonalities

Day of Arrival: 

  • Introduce yourself and team members to the new resident

  • Provide them a printed copy of calendars and newsletters (if applicable)

  • Ask open questions that will help your team gain an early understanding of how best to engage the resident (e.g., hobbies and interests, what types of activities they enjoy, do they want reminders of when programs are happening, etc)

  • Give them a tour of areas commonly used for programs and activities so they become familiar with these locations

  • Take their photo if you don’t already have one and upload to their Welbi Profile so all team members can put a face to the name!

 First 1-2 Weeks of Arriving: 

  • Check the Resident’s Engagement Insights for the time they’ve been at your community 

    • Have they been attending programs?

    • If so, which programs? What information does that tell you about other programs they might enjoy and other residents they may want to meet?

  • Arrange introductions to current residents, based on shared commonalities

  • Complete any resident profiles and assessments in Welbi

  • Learn more about the resident by chatting with family members when they’re visiting. Use the information you learn to better personalize the resident experience 

One Month and Ongoing: 

  • Check the Resident’s Engagement Insights

    • Are they participating in programs regularly? 

    • If not, can you schedule a 1-1 to learn more about what they may be interested in, and how best to support them?

  • Print out a Resident Engagement Report to share with the families on what the resident has been up to 

  • Ensure the Resident Profile & Assessment is completed and up to date 

  • Ensure attendance is being captured (scheduled programs, logged unscheduled activities)

  • Invite the resident to be part of a resident council to learn more about the community and share their thoughts and feedback/ask if they wish to volunteer or support anything in the community (ex: arranging dining table centrepieces)