Welbi Masterclass

Welbi Masterclass: Program Planning & Documentation Tips

In this Masterclass, you'll learn how to plan and document your programs quickly and efficiently, specifically when capturing engagement outside of planned activities. This masterclass will guide you through using recurrences and filters in Welbi!

This video is a recording of a live Welbi Masterclass that took place on October 5, 2023.

The benefits of capturing all activities residents engage in

  • Allows Welbi to learn more about each resident outside of their participation in planned programs/activities
  • Better program recommendations for residents 

  • When you capture everything a resident does in your community, your ‘Residents Needing Engagement’ list becomes more accurate

Recurrences & Filters for 1-on-1s & Resident Run/Self-Directed Activities

If you are conducting 1-on-1s (friendly visits, puzzles, etc) with residents daily/weekly:

    • Schedule them in your planning calendar on a recurrence
    • This allows your team to quickly and easily capture attendance and provides an attendance prompt after each instance. 

If you are aware of resident run/self-directed activities your residents are engaging in (clubs, lunch groups, games) daily/weekly/monthly:

    • Schedule them in your planning calendar on a recurrence
    • This allows your team to quickly and easily capture attendance and provides an attendance prompt after each instance. 
  • Note: that self-directed activities can be filtered off of your planning & print calendars


Planning Calendar for 1-on-1s

  • Create a program by clicking plus sign or calendar cell 
  • Select program type = 1-on-1
  • Enter the program information (either by pulling from your templates, or filling out the ‘new program’ popup)
  • When you get to Recurrence
    • You can choose to have a program repeat; if you run 1-on-1 programs every weekday, multiple times a week, etc. set that recurrence in Welbi
  • This will prompt you to take attendance and eliminates having to log your 1-on-1s as unscheduled programs every day, week, etc. 

Planning Calendar for Resident Run/Self-Directed Activities

  • Create a program by clicking the plus sign or calendar cell 
  • Select program type = Self-Directed or Group (set facilitator as ‘Resident’)
  • Enter the program information (either by pulling from your templates, or filling out the ‘new program’ modal)
  • When you get to Recurrence
    • You can choose to have a program repeat; if you see residents getting together every day, week, month, etc. set that frequency
  • This will prompt you to take attendance and eliminates having to log self-directed activities as unscheduled programs every day, week, etc

Planning Calendar Filters

  • Filter program details/fields entered
  • Under ‘Program Types’ filter out 1-on-1s and self-directed activities
  • If your community is capturing Resident Run Programs - can add those to a second calendar and filter by Calendar

Attendance Page Filters

  • Use the ‘Program Type’ filters to remove or showcase 1-on-1/self-directed programs 
    • Can also take it one step further by also filtering by Level of Care/Home Area

Print Calendar Filters

  • Open up your desired print calendar (daily, weekly, or monthly)

Filters on left → filter what you want to show or hide

  • Click the ‘Program Types’ button
    • Unselect 1-on-1s and self directed activities

If adding Resident Run programs

  • Click ‘Calendars’ 
    • Unselect the extra calendar so only ‘Recreation’ (or main calendar) is selected

Documenting Resident Gatherings

Resident gatherings can be captured in Welbi as group or self-directed activities
  • E.g.,  if you notice residents gathering in your community, capture this engagement as an

unscheduled program

  • E.g., If you notice your residents gathering on a recurring basis (e.g., weekly),  schedule a recurring program in your planning calendar
  • Documenting attendance for resident-run activities helps fuel Welbi’s program suggestions and allows you to understand each resident’s engagement and interests outside of your regular programming  

Benefits of Logging Self-Directed Activities

Some residents may not be keen on group programs or 1-on-1s but have very active social lives outside of the community. Visits or outings with friends/family can be captured as a resident run/self-directed activity

  • Self-directed activities entered in Welbi will contribute towards your ‘Residents Needing Engagement’ list to help you keep track of who truly may be at risk of isolation, plus gives you a fuller picture of the residents day-to-day and engagement patterns (e.g., so you can speak confidently in family meetings, notice changes that may be of concern, etc) 

  • Also helps to keep your ‘Residents Needing Engagement’ list as accurate as possible. (e.g. Donna may not have come out to group programs this week but she had a friend visit once, and had coffee with another resident.)